'We just continued to fight’: White supremacist ousted from an Oklahoma city council, Oklahoma

Connie Vickers was scrolling through a community Facebook page when she saw a photo of a familiar face: Judd Blevins — then ..."

'We just continued to fight’: White supremacist ousted from an Oklahoma city council
Connie Vickers was scrolling through a community Facebook page when she saw a photo of a familiar face: Judd Blevins — then ...
April 7, 2024

Video of Enid "'We just continued to fight’: White supremacist ousted from an Oklahoma city council" added to our site on April 7, 2024, by MSNBC.

Text description of video "'We just continued to fight’: White supremacist ousted from an Oklahoma city council" is Connie Vickers was scrolling through a community Facebook page when she saw a photo of a familiar face: Judd Blevins — then ...

Video 'We just continued to fight’: White supremacist ousted from an Oklahoma city council has duration 8m 43s

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'We just continued to fight’: White supremacist ousted from an Oklahoma city council information

Published April 7, 2024
Views 50,936
Duration 8m 43s
Added by MSNBC